Simple document search
Document submitter/
Securities issuer/
Fund information /
Stock Code
Type of document
(Including amended version of each report)
Submission period
Important announcements

To those who wish to view a withdrawn shelf registration statement and its attachments

Please confirm

Regarding a shelf registration statement, shelf registration supplements, and amendments thereto (including attachments thereto) submitted on or after April 1, 2024:
To view a shelf registration statement, etc. that has been withdrawn, please go to the page for viewing by clicking the relevant link in "List of Withdrawn Shelf Registration Statements."

The "List of Withdrawn Shelf Registration Statements" will be updated before dawn on the day following a withdrawal date in Japan time.
The update time and date are displayed on the upper right of the page.

You can use the translation function of a web browser.

Documents submitted to EDINET are written in Japanese but can be converted to English etc. using the translation function of a web browser.
In some cases, it may not be possible to convert alternative form / attached documents.
Please note that the original text is the Japanese document that was submitted and that the accuracy of conversion depends on the web browser.

List of links to English translations of Annual Securities Reports (ASRs)

Please confirm

English translation of ASR is not a requirement of Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan.
For English translations of ASRs, please access the website of each company which prepares English translation of ASR voluntarily or otherwise. The attached is the list of links for your convenience.

Notice of new EDINET API

From 21 August 2023, EDINET will provide a new EDINET API with the addition of a CSV providing function and an authentication function for the purpose of improving user convenience and stable system operation.
If you continue to use EDINET API, please register for authentication between 21 August 2023 and 29 March 2024.
Please refer to the following links (Japanese Only).
・Explanatory material:
・Specification for EDINET API (version2) :

Important announcement

Please confirm

1. Default value of “filing date range” field
     The default value of “filing date range” is “In the past year” on every search screen.
     Please note the value is changeable.

2. Limitation of liability
     Any information in English contained in the XBRL data downloadable from the list is provided for reference purpose only,
     and the accuracy of the information is not assured.
     Any information in the XBRL data which does not appear on the face of the disclosure document may only be used at users' own risk.
Financial Services Agency. The Japanese Government
(Japan Corporate Number 6000012010023) 
Copyright(C) Financial Services Agency All Rights Reserved.
3-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,